Elbow supports: What device will support my arthritic elbow while I play tennis?

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What device will support my arthritic elbow while I play tennis?


For all of my life, I have enjoyed playing tennis and racquet ball; however, as I have gotten older, I have started to suffer from chronic arthritis in my elbow, which has affected my ability to play the sports I love. Can you recommend a device that will support my elbow and prevent pain while I play tennis?

Our answer

Staying active is an important part of living a healthy and balanced life, so it is important to be able to engage in the physical activities that you enjoy. If you are not suffering from a recent acute injury that requires rest and/or medical treatment, you may be interested in knowing about some products designed to provide elbow support during sports activities, including tennis. Here are some direct links to a few examples:

  • Best Tennis Elbow Brace by Zofore (at Amazon Canada) is an elbow strap designed to reduce pressure on the joint and provide support to your arms. It consists of a compression pad that conforms to the shape of your arm, making it easy for you to move freely and comfortably. It should be noted that tennis elbow braces work by changing the angle of the tendon and may not work well for all conditions, such as osteoarthritis. This product comes with two elbow braces (one for each arm) and costs about $22 to $25 (CDN). 
  • BandIT Therapeutic Forearm, by ProBand Sports IndustriesBandIT Therapeutic Forearm Band by Pro Band Sports (at homehealthcareshoppe.com) is an athletic therapy device that is designed to relieve and prevent pain associated with tennis elbow and other injuries. This product, which costs about $20 to $30 (CDN), is also available from a number of other online retailers including amazon.ca.
  • Sports Elbow Strap by Bauerfeind (at bauerfeindsports.ca) is designed to deliver targeted compression during sporting activities, particularly for racquet sports. In doing so, it provides relief to the forearm muscles and helps to prevent long-term injuries. This product, which costs about $85 (CDN) can also be purchased at a number of other online retailers including amazon.ca.

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