Multi-digit TV channels: Is there something to help my friend who can't press the remote buttons fast enough?

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Is there something to help my friend who can't press the remote buttons fast enough?


Is there anything to make it easier for someone to use a TV remote control? My friend can’t press the buttons fast enough to get the channel he wants. For example, he gets channel “50” when he wants “500” because the channel changes before he’s entered the number. Thank you.

Our answer

TV remote controls tend to process the digits so quickly that many people who are trying to get to channel 500, might get to channel 50 –or even worse, channel 5. Depending on the preference of the individual using the remote, and the TV systems, there are some options worth looking into:

Firstly, there may be settings you or your friend can access to solve this problem. Some TVs can be set to require the user to press ‘Enter’ after the digits and only then will the channel change. Details regarding the settings should be within the user manual, if your friend no longer has access to the manual, he can search for a digital version using Manuals Online by specifying the make and model of the TV.

Another setting that might be worth looking into is ‘Favourites’. Favourites can be set up to quickly access specific channels at the press of one button, or they can also be set up to target specific ranges of channels. For instance, if the user can usually access two digit channels, but struggles at three digit channels – setting up a favourite channel at 150 can provide easier access to channel up or channel down to their preferred channel.

If the remote does not have either of these settings, there may be specific Universal Remotes with this capability. However, keep in mind that a universal remote might not work with all TVs. It is worthwhile to first check with your cable provider to see if they have a compatible remote control that better suits your needs. Many cable providers are beginning to move towards offering voice control, which could also be an easier option than relying on pressing buttons. With a voice control option, the user speaks the channel number aloud to the device to change the channel.

Another option for exploring new remote controls would be to visit an electronics store such as BestBuy. They will be able to determine which remote controls work with your TV/cable setup and have the features that you would find most useful – such as requiring ‘Enter’ in order to change the channel, or Favourites, or voice control.

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